NAMA                                                  : Nur Hidayah Apriyani
NPM                                                      : 0813024040
TTL                                                         : Gading rejo, 06 AprilI 1990
ALAMAT KOST                                   : Perumahan Bumi Puspa Kencana Blok G5 Bandar Lampung
ALAMAT RUMAH                             : DESA, Gading Rejo KEC. Gading Rejo KAB. Pringsewu
NO TELP/HP                                       : 085269871217
EMAIL                                                   : nungdarul@YMAIL.COM
FACEBOOK                                          : -
BLOG                                                     : -
GOL DARAH                                       : AB
AGAMA                                               : ISLAM
SUKU                                                    : SEMENDO
HOBBY                                                 : Bercerita
KARAKTER                                           : MELANKOLIS
RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN                 :
SD/MI                                   : SD N 2 Gading rejo
SMP/MTS                            : SMP N 1 Gading Rejo
SMA/MA                             : SMA N 1 Gading rejo
1.       BEM-fkip                                                             SEBAGAI                                Brigda                                 TAHUN 2008
2.       HIMASAKTA                                                       SEBAGAI                                Adiv Kerohanian            TAHUN 2009
3.       BIROHMAH                                                         SEBAGAI                                KMB                                    TAHUN 2008
4.       BIROHMAH                                                        SEBAGAI                                 Bend.MCU                       TAHUN 2009
MOTTO                                                                : DO THE BEST FOR ALLOH
PRESTASI                                             :

NAMA AYAH                                     : Drs. Darul Qotni asumat (Alm)
PEKERJAAN                                        : PNS
NAMA IBU                                          : SITI ASIAH
PEKERJAAN                                        : IRT
1.       kurniawan
2.       Jhon Bhakti
3.       Afrizal
4.       Mai Darni
5.       Diana Aprilia

PESAN                                                  : Perbanyak Mengingat Alloh Niscaya Alloh akan mengingatmu…

Presentasi Via Handphone

Mungkin anda pernah bercita-cita ingin menampilkan hasil pekerjaan anda melalui presentasi secara maksimal??
Software inilah jawabannya. Software ini admin dapatkan dari seorang teman. Aplikasi ini membantu kita untuk mempermudah presentasi kita sehingga kita tidak membutuhkan operator untuk melakukan presentasi, tetapi kita bisa melakukannya sendiri dengan bantuan sebuah handphone.
Anda berminat?? klik link dibawah ini. Freeware lho.

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7 Transparent Animal

1. Transparent Frog
Native to Venezuela , the Glass Frogs
belong to the amphibian family Centrolenidae (order Anura). While the general background coloration of most glass frogs is primarily lime green, the abdominal skin of some members of this family is transparent, so that the heart, liver, and digestive tract are visible through their translucent skin. (Photo by Heidi and Hans-Jurgen Koch)
2. Transparent Head Fish
kepala ikan

This bizarre deep-water fish called the Barreleye
(Macropinna microstoma) has a transparent head and tubular eyes. It has extremely light-sensitive eyes that can rotate within his transparent, fluid-filled shield on its head, while the fish’s tubular eyes, well inside the head, are capped by bright green lenses. The eyes point upward (as shown here) when the fish is looking for food overhead. They point forward when the fish is feeding. The two spots above the fish’s mouth are not eyes: those are olfactory organs called nares, which are analogous to human nostrils. (Photo by MBARI)
3. Transparent Butterfly

Transparent ButterflyFound in Central America, from Mexico to Panama , the Glasswing Butterfly
(Greta Oto) is a brush-footed butterfly where its wings are transparent. The tissue between the veins of its wings looks like glass. (Photo by Hemmy)
4. Transparent Squid

Found on the southern hemisphere’s oceans, the Glass Squid
(Teuthowenia pellucida) has light organs on its eyes and possesses the ability to roll into a ball, like an aquatic hedgehog. It is prey of many deep-sea fish (eg goblin sharks) as well as whales and oceanic seabirds. (Photo by Peter Batson)
5. Transparent Zebrafish created by scientists

This see-through zebrafish was created in 2008 by scientists so they can study disease processes, including the spread of cancer. The transparent fish are allowing researchers at Children’s Hospital Boston to directly view fish’s internal organs and observe processes such as tumor growth in real-time in living organisms. (Photo by LS)
6. Transparent Jellyfish
jelly fish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. Many jellies are so transparent that they are almost impossible to see. The one above is from the Arctapodema genus, with a size of an inch-long (2.5-centimeter-long). (Photo by Bill Curtsinger)
7. Transparent Icefish
Find in the cold waters around Antarctica and southern South America , the crocodile icefish
(Channichthyidae) feed on krill, copepods, and other fish. Their blood is transparent because they have no hemoglobin and/or only defunct erythrocytes. Their metabolism relies only on the oxygen dissolved in the liquid blood, which is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin from the water. This works because water can dissolve the most oxygen when it is coldest. In five species, the gene for myoglobin in the muscles has also vanished, leaving them with hite instead of pink hearts.

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foto praktikum zoover 10/03/12- part 2

nih link- link selanjutnya untuk foto praktikum zoover 12 maret 2010,,
met ngerjain laporan...

foto praktikum zoover 10/03/12

teman- teman lebayunaceae,,
maaf ya baru bisa upload sekarang,, soalnya datanya banyak, koneksi putus- nyambung, aduh jadi curhat,,,
yah udinlah nih link-link buat unduh fotonya,,

yang 2 lagi nyusul ye,,,

Materi DDPEP

Dari Bu Rini Rita Marpaung

Hasil Presentasi Kelompok, tapi baru nyampe kelompok 5 ya...

Hasil Praktikum Zoover Pisces


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Bahasa Arab Itu Mudah

Itulah kata kunci dari acara Seminar Pendidikan Bahasa Arab yang admin ikuti kemarin yang bertempat di Wisma Bandar Lampung dan diselenggarakan oleh LBBA Al Ikhwan.
Dahsyat, itulah kalimat yang terlontar saat pembicara menguraikan materinya. Sayang admin lupa untuk mencatat nama-nama para pembicara. Lebih unik lagi saat ditampilkan operet berjudul Opera Van Arab yang mirip dengan Opera Van Java.
Sebenarnya admin datang ke acara tersebut karena diundang sebagai team penghibur nasyid Best_Six, yah, sekaligus merangkap sebagai peserta untuk dapat ilmu ndak apalah. (^_^)v

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Bandar lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
catatan kebersamaan mahasiswa Biologi '08 FKIP Unila


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